Feedback: Let Us Know...

Please tell us what you think about our Web site, products, or programs. If you provide us with your contact information, we will be able to reach you in case we have any questions. Here's what others have said:

~    "Bless your ministry. I just saw your TV program for the first time this morning on Catholic TV, Boston. I was riveted to your talk, Father. In the short time on that program, you covered more depth and addressed more "real issues" facing our society than I have heard in years! You have addressed and answered questions I have been wrestling with for years. Thank you for your direct manner of the subject matter and for delivering it with love. You were a welcomed change today for my questions and, as an older guy that just can't "go with the flow" of today's society, your talk confirmed my faith in the one true and apostolic Church. Thank you and God Bless!"

~    "I am writing about "A Closer Walk" that aired today on The Prayer Channel (Brooklyn Diocese, NYC), on which you were interviewing Dr. Kenneth Howell. I don't know how else to say it except the show just blew my socks off!"

~    "I was preparing to leave the Catholic Church to go to another denomination. Presbyterian was one of the denominations I was seriously considering. My reason for leaving was basically that I wanted to go to a church that was a "bible-based" church. To make a long story short, I turned on the TV to channel 79 and your show was on. There was Dr. Howell, a bright, articulate former Presbyterian minister describing his becoming Catholic and why."

~    "I always liked your show but now I am convinced that this show is blessed!"

~    "Just yesterday, I asked the Lord to show me which church He would have me attend. Seeing Dr. Howel and hearing what he had to say convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is where I belong. Your show today was an answer to my prayer. Praise the Lord! God bless you and your ministry! Please send me the brochure on the Coming Home Network International."

~    "Enclosed is a check for A CLOSER WALK MINISTRIES. I will pray for you and your ministry that the Lord continues to bless you." -A viewer in New York

In the Spotlight:

Dr. Kenneth Howell, PhD, is a former Presbyterian Pastor. He is the Associate Director of The Coming Home Network International. His own teaching of Sacred Scripture and the Church Fathers led Dr. Howell to the belief in the True Presence in the Eucharist. Though not generally known, Protestant clergy as well as laity from all parts of the denominational spectrum are "coming home" to the Catholic Church. Sometimes the difficult part of the journey is after they have come home--finding themselves overwhelmed--yearning for knowledge of ways to serve and needing fellowship in this journey. In 1993, the Coming Home Network began as a means to help bring these converts together, through gatherings and retreats. Father Cohen's interview with Dr. Kenneth Howell about the Coming Home Network is available on audio and videotape.

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