Closer Walk Catholic Communications

Founded by Fr. Harold F. Cohen, S.J. in 1981, Closer Walk Ministries was consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Fr. Cohen passed away January 16, 2001. Fr. M. Jeffery Bayhi joined the ministry as President and on-air host in June 2001. Our mission is 'to make the Gospel understandable and attainable for every home and heart.' We achieve this by utilizing modern day technology such as television, radio and social networking media. As St. Francis of Assisi said, "preach the Gospel, and when necessary, use words." Thank you for your interest in Closer Walk Ministries and for supporting this evangelistic ministry.

Read a special message from Fr. Jeff Bayhi




If we were children playing in the back yard, I feel quite sure that most of us would look at the year 2020 and ask for a “do over”. As we look at the events of the year, many people have gotten to the point that fear and anxiety have been completely overwhelmed them. The fear that covid-19 might claim our lives and the lives of someone we love to have placed many people in the state of complete isolation. Also, people who have been part of their lives have become potential carriers and we have had to avoid them totally or wave to them through a window. Our once normal gatherings have been seen as being too dangerous, and even our workplaces are seen as possibly contagious.

The questions of the origin of the virus have confused and aggravated many, and the conflicting so called medical “experts” has left many more confused than ever. Because of this uncertainty many have lost jobs, some have lost their businesses and others wonder just how long we can hold on. The fact that we cannot get a consistent story out of our leaders, and the conspiracy theorist are having a field day has done nothing but fuel our frustration and fear.

If all of this is not reason enough to be concerned, we now have to deal with some of our city streets going wild and using an unfortunate and unjustified death as a reason to loot, steal and destroy. When we see
frequent attacks on Catholic churches, the burning of the bible and the burning of the American flag we start to wonder if the land we love and the country we call home will ever be the same in the future. Even more troubling than the activity of the streets is the lack of action on the part of the elected officials who were charged with upholding the law and protecting our cities.

These events for many seem to be completely backwards. When we see people acting either criminally or illegally being viewed as victims, and people who on a daily basis put themselves in harms way to protect our citizens, our property and our cities being seen as thugs or bullies, something is radically wrong.

Moreover, they reject the fact that all protester are anarchist, and that is true, however they brand all law enforcement as thugs, and work to defund the police for what they see as an abuse of power. The wholesale categorization of any group is unjust but seems acceptable when we speak of law enforcement.

To add to the irony and hypocrisy, to march to the chant that BLM or LGBTQ matters and is necessary, these very cities try to stop pro-lifers from marching to claim all lives, including the unborn matter. It is astounding in this country UNDER GOD, it is perfectly acceptable and “essential” to protest the perceived injustices but to hold a worship service to the God you have come to know is not essential. When they force us out of church, we must always fight that injustice, but we must never allow our faith in God to be removed out of our hearts and minds. When that happens, then all is completely lost, and hopelessness is her to stay.

Most recently, the weather events of hurricane Laura have severely affected the coast of Louisiana and Texas but has had a devastating effect on the mid-Atlantic states as well. For many people in the affected areas this seemed to be the last straw for those who still had hope that things would change.

Interestingly enough, the scriptures of the last week have reminded us of a reality that should be part of the daily life of every believer. The scriptures of the faithful steward whom the Master finds wide awake on His return, the invitation to stay awake because we know not the day nor the hour and story of the five wise and five foolish virgins have all come in the last three days. Please understand that these are part of our liturgical cycle and were not planned in light of current events.

Thus the inevitable. We all know that it will come one day, and time and time all believers are reminded of this. However, when the events of the day cause us to fear that it may be sooner than later, we tend to be filled with an anxiousness that may cause some to lose hope.

Be very clear, that all of these incidents and accidents of the year 2020 are reason for concern, and in due time we will have to deal with it all and by the grace of God endure a overcome all that we have been faced with. But if we lose our hope, abandon our prayer life we will be struck with a debilitating despair that we will never overcome. The master reminds us “It will go well for that faithful servant whom the master finds wide awake on his return.” Stay awake, do not despair in prayer and make sure you vote
responsibly for the candidate that will uphold the necessary laws of dignity of all human life and religious liberties in order to keep our nation UNDER GOD.

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